Meet MC Members

Anastasia Mwangi

My names are Anastasia W Mwangi, a woman of Christian faith, a wife, mother of two young adult men and one adopted daughter. I am a guardian to tens of orphaned children and young adults in Kenya. My passion for giving back to the community has shaped me to become a humble philanthropist and a community development leader who has cherished and excelled in helping to create a better world for people around me with special interest in refugees, migrants, women, youth and children with disabilities in the last 36 years. (When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another – Helen Keller)

I have gained wide international exposure from studying in six different countries. I hold a bachelor degree in Nursing, a bachelor of Arts in Youth Studies from Australian Universities. Other diploma qualifications are in rehabilitation, Social Leadership, rural & youth development that I studied in Boston, Philippines and Zambia respectively. I attended primary and high schools in Tanzania and Kenya. My stated multidisciplinary studies have helped me to enhance my critical thinking, efficient problem-solving and finding multiple solutions to challenges. Professionally, I have worked at senior managerial positions with numerous Non-Governmental Organisations in Kenya and mainly various Not-for-Profit Community Organisations in Melbourne. I am currently working part-time as Administration Director in Melbourne, Australia.

Politics has impacted my life immensely and I also have enthusiastically influenced the lives of others positively. I was privileged to be an international observer with United Nation during the transition from apartheid in South Africa to a non-racial democratic society when the late Mandela became the president. I also contested for Women Representative and Member of Parliament in Lamu County in 2013 & 2017 respectively. Having been a member of United Republican Party, I established Jubilee Party in Lamu West which I consider as great achievement to myself and the people of Lamu County. I am currently a strong supporter of United Democratic Alliance Party and a paid member of Amani National Congress Party.

Special accomplishments in life include being a:

  • Founder of Disability Partnership Abroad Inc which have assisted hundreds of needy children with disability in Kenya and am also a founder of Chama 254 Victoria Inc.
  • Board member of East & Central Africa Communities of Victoria Inc and Kenya Community Victoria Inc, Melbourne, Australia
  • Member of lobby group from African Australian Welfare Council. We successfully influenced Australian Federal Government to increase African Refugee intake from 25% to 75% of total Australian global refugee entrants in 2004-2005.
  • Organiser of National Disability Awareness Forums in Kenya for Nick Vujicic, the Australian iconic international motivational Christian speaker who lives without limbs. The impact was overwhelming.