Meet MC Members

Dorcas Wanjiku BIO

Mrs Wanjiku Wachira , born again christian and flourishing in the Love of Jesus.

I was born and raised in Samburu district,in the Rift Valley province of  Kenya.I have 4 sibblings, 3 sisters and a brother who is late. 

I am married to Mr Ikenye Wachira. 

We are blessed with 2 incredible boys.

I am a Registered Nurse with 20 yrs of practice,currently residing and working in Melbourne Australia.


My nursing career started in Kenya as a Nurse/Midwife in 2004. Our biggest challenge then was experiencing a lot of still births to include maternal deaths in the remote regions of Kenya.

To creat a safe birth environment and curb the deaths of both mothers and babies, we started  training the traditonal birth attendants(TBAs) under the sponsorship of Action Aid.The initiative was very successful leading to significant reduction of the above mentioned deaths.

Among other initiatives,I also actively participated in the administration of Peadiatric Anti-Retroviral Therapy(for HIV/Aids) under clinton foundation. This changed the lives of vulnerable children and their families.


My vast experience in my career have therefore strengthened my philanthropist nature of touching more people through my knowledge and skills. Currently I am educating families in kenya on the dangers of alcohol and other drugs, while assisting some with food,getting jobs and going for rehab when I can afford.


Family is everything to me!